Is your team "Agile" ?

01 October, 2019

A questionnaire about the agility in the development team.

Development and delivery

1. How do you test in your team ?

0 - Manual test without systematic functional test

1 - Manual test with systematic functional test

2 - Systematic unit Test

3 - Every feature delivered to production has been tested

2. How the code is been reviewed and shared in your team ?

0 - The code is never been reviewed in the team

1 - With code review

2 - With peer programming, mob programming and peer code review if necessary

3. How the continuous integration and continuous deployment are done ?

0 - There is no automatisation

1 - With continuous integration

2 - With continuous deployment

4. How the continuous integration and continuous deployment are done ?

0 - There is no automatisation

1 - With continuous integration

2 - With continuous deployment

5. How the technical debt is managed in your team ?

0 - There is no technical debt, and it just grows

1 - There is no action in time

2 - The technical debt is visible to everybody

3 - There is controlled indicator for technical debt

4 - The technical debt is minimized and solved in time

6. How much time does it need to create a new test environment ?

0 - More than 3 months

1 - More than a week

2 - Immediately


1. How the team is organized ?

0 - No management

1 - The management of the tickets are managed by the project manager

2 - The whole team is involved in the management of tickets

2. Does the team works in the same place ?

0 - No, we work in different place

1 - Yes, we work in the same place

3. How do you rate the degree of interaction in your team (0 - 10) ?

4. Does the work rythme hold for long-term?


1. How often do you delivery new features ?

0 - Less than two times a year

1 - In every iteration (less than a month)

2 - Continuous

2. How often do you delivery new features ?

0 - Less than two times a year

1 - In every iteration (less than a month)

2 - Continuous

3. Does the estimation of complicity made in the team ?

0 - No, the planning is based on the estimation of manager

1 - Yes, the planning is made by manager and developer in an interactive way

4. Does the Dod (definition of done) exist in the team ?

0 - No

1 - Yes, but it is only visible to everyone

2 - Yes, and it is respected by the team

3 - Yes, it is respected by the team and it is improved regularly

5. Is the planning realistic ?

0 - No, the details are not considered

1 - Yes, the estimation doable globally

6. How often do you make the demonstration to stakeholders ?

0 - No, the demonstrations are not frequent

1 - Yes, the demonstrations are made for every iteration

2 - Yes, the demonstrations are frequent

7. What is the rhythm of improvement in your team?

0 - No, there is no improvement

1 - Yes, the improves are defined by the managers

2 - Yesm the improvements are defined by all the team

3 - The actions of improvement are done regularly

8. How often do you share the information in your team?

0 - Rarely

1 - Several times a week

2 - Everyday, but very long

3 - Everyday, the time is flexible and organized by the team

9. Before the development, do you define the test cases with necessary data and expected result?

0 - Rarely

1 - Always

2 - Systematic

0. A user story is developed in how many days (in average)?

0 - More than 2 weeks

1 - A week

2 - 2 or 3 days

4 - 1 or 2 days

11. Does the team have a document for newcomers to enter into the project?

12. Does the team use visual tool (like kanban board, dashboard ...)?

0 - No

1 - Yes, but not use a lot

2 - Yes, the team use it for daily stand meeting

3 - Yes, and it is improved continuously

13. Does the team share the clear vision for the product and for the team ?

14. How do you measure the features ?

0 - No measure

1 - There are measures but not suitable

2 - The product owner will make the metrics as hypotheses for measuring the values created

3 - Yes, and it is improved continuously

Now... how is the Score for your team :) ?

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