Creating the callApi method with promise, async/await

02 April, 2019

It is quite useful to create our own callApi method in the application. In this article, I will talk about three ways to implement it with promise, async/await.

Some notions with async/await and promise

First of all, there are some things to be clarified about async/await and promise:

  • Async doesn't not need to be used with await, but await must be written in a async function.
  • In order to use async, we need to use .then or await. Async will return a promise.
  • A promise must be resolved/rejected, but why there is no resolve or reject in 'fetch' function? Because fetch api will return a promise and it will resolve/reject itself by then/catch.
Method 1: return fetch.then directly
const callApi = (url, params) => {
  return fetch(url, params).then(res => {
    // response instances are returned when fetch() promises are resolved.
    return res.json() // the value returned is resolved
// to use
callApi(url, params).then(res => {
Method 2: create new Promise as result
const callApi = (url, params) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    fetch(url, params)
      .then(res => {
        return res.json()
      .then(res => {
        resolve(res) // the value resolved will be returned by the promise

// to use
callApi(url, params).then(res => {
Method 3: use async/await
async function callApi(url, params) {
  const res = await fetch(url, params)
  return res.json() // async function returns a promise which will be resolved with the returned value

// to use:
;(async () => {
  const res = await callApi2(url, params)
  console.log("res", res)
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