Albert Yuebai XU

Fullstack Developer

How to mock default import and named import in jest

09 October, 2020

Dependencies make tests complicated. Mock them help us concentrate on the things we really want to test.

There are two possibilities of import: default import (import A from) and named import (import {A} from). In general, mock default import is much easier than mock named import. In case of mocking, there is also a difference of mock only once and mock multiple times.

Mock default import only once

import func from "./defaultDependency"

jest.mock("./defaultDependency", () => input => input) // mock should in the beginning

describe("func", () => {
  it("should work with mock dependency", () => {

Mock default import multiple times

import reverseString from "./defaultDependency"


describe("func", () => {
  it("should work with mock dependency", () => {
    reverseString.mockImplementationOnce(input => input)
    expect(func(true, "hello")).toEqual("hello")

  it("should work with mock dependency", () => {
    reverseString.mockImplementationOnce(input => input + "1")
    expect(func(true, "hello")).toEqual("hello1")

Mock named import only once

import { func } from "./nameDependency"

jest.mock("./nameDependency", () => ({ sameString: input => input + "1" })) // mock should in the beginning

describe("func", () => {
  it("should work with mock dependency", () => {

Mock named dependency multiple times

import * as nameDependencies from "./nameDependency"

nameDependencies.sameString = jest.fn() // not recommended because it modify the readonly import

describe("func", () => {
  it("should work with mock dependency", () => {
    nameDependencies.sameString.mockImplementationOnce(input => input + "2")

  it("should work with mock dependency", () => {
    nameDependencies.sameString.mockImplementationOnce(input => input + "3")

Mock named import, but still need other named imports from the same dependency

This case is a bit tricky, because we cannot use jest.mock("./nameDepdency") here because it will override the whole import. In this case, jest spyOn provides a nice solution.

import * as functions from "./nameDependency"

jest.spyOn(functions, "func").mockImplementation(input => input)

describe("func", () => {
  it("should work with mock dependency", () => {

Link to source code.

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